• Pulling Tip Nose : As the angle between the bridge of nose and lips is smaller, the tip of nose is downward, lengthened nose and looking like older.
  • 1.Surgical method
    1. Surgical method : The surgery needs to be planned by evaluating the shape of cartilage of nasal tip and cartilage of nasal septum, relationship between them, and whether the muscle of downward tip of nose is developed or not and most of the surgery can be done in a open way.
    Adjustment of cartilage of nasal tip :: In case the shape of the cartilage of long tip of nose is major cause of a pulling tip nose, the shape is adjusted and the angle of the tip of nose is raised by using cartilage of nasal septum.
    Adjustment of cartilage of nasal septum :: in case of long cartilage of nasal septum, cut some part of the front to relieve the feeling of long nose.
    Cut the muscle downward the tip of nose :: when laughing and the tip of nose is downward severely, remove the muscle related to this.
  • 2. point of Cocoline
    Point! In case of pulling tip nose, cutting and stitching some of cartilage can be done to shorten the length of the cartilage of nasal tip but out medical team has developed how to shorten the length of cartilage of nasal tip effectively to correct pulling tip nose that will not be hanging again.