• Broad base dorsum : It is the shape of nose with wide bone of nose and wide bridge of nose. The bridge of nose looks spread horizontally and the nose is not highlighted and the nose looks lower than actual height.
  • 1.Surgical method
    The surgery can be done through sedation anesthesia and in case of only rhinoplasty surgery on the bridge of nose, non-open approach can be done but depending on accompanied rhinoplasty surgery, select open approach or non-open approach. Cut nasal bone on the both side to enable the movement and amass the bone inward. It can decrease the thickness of bone through surgical chisel in case of thick bone of nose.
  • 2.point of cocoline
    Based on plentiful clinical experience, with sedation anesthesia not general anesthesia, Osteotomy can be performed, which makes patients go under surgery safely while sleeping. In case of decreasing the feeling of wide nose by putting the implant on the bridge of nose, the width of bridge of nose will not be narrowed and the nose may look like bigger and duller. But our medical team has shown better results compared with other hospitals by reducing the thickness of the bone.