• Bulbous Nose : In Korea it has been said that the person with a big nose has a lot of luck and the nose is called as a lucky nose but if the tip of nose is overly big, esthetically the nose is highlighted and looks dull. Most of people with bulbous nose desire to have more slim nose. The cause of bulbous nose is that the cartilage of the tip of nose is big and dull and that soft tissue beneath skin of the tip of nose and skin of the tip of nose are thick. So if you want sharp tip of nose, this kind of nose needs to be corrected.
  • 1.Surgical method
    To remove safely and fully soft tissue on the tip of nose, select open approach.
    Cartilage on big and dull tip of nose : : Remove upper part on the cartilage of tip of nose and combine and amass the part of dull cartilage.
    In case of thick skin on soft tissue beneath the skin on the tip of nose and the tip of nose : It is import to remove soft skin fully and it is needed to cut some part of skin.
  • 2.point of cocoline
    If the soft skin on the tip of nose is removed deeply, the necrosis of tissue caused by the damage to blood vessel can be made. And many medical teams may explain that the difficulty in removing soft tissue caused by necrosis cannot be avoided but our medical team have knowhow about removing the soft tissues without damaged to blood vessel while doing the surgery of bulbous nose. So we have shown the result of excellently correcting bulbous nose.